

302 Uppsatser om Auditing duty - Sida 1 av 21

Auditing med digital signatur för Javabaserad plattform : design och implementation

Omfattningen av vad som loggas i ett system idag är varierande, de flesta har någon form av loggning av oönskade händelser. Vi inriktar oss på olika metoder för att applicera auditing så det går att spåra hela händelseförlopp. Vi undersöker vilka vitala delar en auditlogg ska innehålla, utifrån SANS policy för auditing. Vi designar och implementerar ett ramverk för auditing och väljer ut en säker digitalsigneringsmetod för loggad data. Slutligen verifierar vi implementation och signeringsmetod..

Bolagsledningens lojalitetsplikt gentemot aktieägare

The fact that a duty of loyalty within the Swedish company law exists should be regarded as indisputable according to the Swedish doctrine, but its content and scope is however more severe identified. As the duty of loyalty is not regulated in the ABL and the fact that there are not many precedents in this area, means that it is difficult to know the boundaries of the company management´s duty of loyalty. It is also unclear whether the company management´s duty of loyalty to the company also is targeting the shareholders. It is this issue that we intend to discuss in the final chapter of this thesis. In order to answer our questions, we will in chapter two to six give an account of the foundation of the duty of loyalty and thereafter describe the management's duty of loyalty to the company.

Förenklad revision av mikroföretag? : En kvalitativ studie sedd ur fyra revisorers perspektiv

Background: Sweden has, since 1983, had a statutory audit for all joint-stock companies. However, according to EG?s fourth corporation directive, member countries can decide on their own if this applies for small joint-stock companies. An investigation was launched in the fall of 2006 to form an opinion on the importance of the audit reporting by law and what an abolishment of this rule would mean for small joint-stock companies. Critics are claiming that the cost of audit for small companies is exceeding the cause in these micro companies.Audit is regulated by Swedish translation (RS) of International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and is to be applied in all companies comprised by the statutory audit.

Intressenters agerande ? vid ett undantag från revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag

Ever since Sweden joined EU on the 1st of January 1995 the auditing is regulated not only by our Swedish laws but also by EG:s directives. In the fourth directive the member states are given a possibility to dispense small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. It is up to every member state to decide whether they want to dispense the small companies or not and today Sweden is one of few member states who does not. The purpose of this essay was to describe how lenders and Skatteverket will act in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. The study has been carried out by interviewing four lenders and Skatteverket. The study shows that the lenders and Skatteverkets acting in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts will part from each others. While the lenders stand before a big change Skatteverkets work will be next to unaltered. Half the lenders think that they will continue to demand that the companies? accounts be audited.

Intressenters agerande ? vid ett undantag från revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag

Ever since Sweden joined EU on the 1st of January 1995 the auditing is regulated not only by our Swedish laws but also by EG:s directives. In the fourth directive the member states are given a possibility to dispense small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. It is up to every member state to decide whether they want to dispense the small companies or not and today Sweden is one of few member states who does not.The purpose of this essay was to describe how lenders and Skatteverket will act in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. The study has been carried out by interviewing four lenders and Skatteverket.The study shows that the lenders and Skatteverkets acting in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts will part from each others. While the lenders stand before a big change Skatteverkets work will be next to unaltered.Half the lenders think that they will continue to demand that the companies? accounts be audited.

Internrevisorn och Internrevision: Ett yrke och en verksamhet i förändring?

In today?s larger companies internal auditing is a common concept. For about twenty years ago companies? use of internal auditing took a turn from having been something popular to becoming more notorious. In this thesis we examine what might have caused that turn, We do this by looking at the vision and way of working for about twenty years ago and how the view of the area is today.

Revisorns tystnads- och anmälningsplikt : tala är silver, tiga är guld?

Swedish accountants are, amongst other laws, controlled by a couple of so called duties. One of those is the professional secrecy, which guarantees the safety of company secrets and other important information that the accountant needs to know but shouldn?t tell anybody. Since 1999 Swedish accountants also need to follow the regulations of the reporting duty. In short, this means that in some cases of suspected crime within a company, auditors are obliged to report this to the authorities.

Förändringar i revisionsarbetet av kapitalförvaltningsbolag : En studie i hur revisionen av kapitalförvaltningsbolag har ändrats sedan den ekonomiska krisen 2008

Title:Changes in the auditing work of asset management companies.Advisor:Bengt BengtssonExaminer:Stig SörlingAuthors: Mattias Skog & Andrea CyganikPurpose:The purpose is to examine how the work of auditing asset management companies has changed since the crisis 2008.Methodology:The study is based on an adductive approach using a quantitative method.Theoretical framework:The theoretical framework includes previous studies and literature concerning the auditing business, the financial crisis, principal agent theory and stewardship theory.Empirical findings:The empirical material is based on answers from 22 auditors in 6 different auditing firms, and it was conducted by sending them a survey.Conclusion:The study showed that the major changes were changes in laws and regulations controlling the auditing business. New guidelines and laws were set to try and improve the quality of the auditing business while trying to restore stained reputation. New regulations were also set to increase the control the government have of inspecting the business through finansinspektionen..

Den reviderade revisionen: en studie av avskaffandet av revisionspliktens påverkan på tjänsten revision

Sweden has had statutory audit, which also includes a management audit, for all companies since 1988. A legislative proposal now suggests that the statutory audit shall be abolished for all small and medium sized companies starting on July 1, 2010. The aim for this master?s thesis is therefore to study how the service of auditing will be affected by the legislative proposal. To answer the research question the authors have taken on a qualitative approach and fifteen interviews with representatives for different Swedish auditing firms have been completed.

Avskaffande av revisionsplikten i småföretag- Hur påverkas berörda fåmansföretag?

The main issue: On the basis of the authors problem discussion has following questions came along: how will the closed companies be affected by a abolishing of demand on auditing? How could the abolishing of demand on auditing in Denmark and England relate to Swedish possible abolishing of auditing?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine and describe how closed companies stand to abolishing of demand on auditing and which affects they think they will get.Method: The authors have chosen to use a qualitative method. With open questions can give space for discussions, which can give the authors better understanding. The empirical material consists of eight different closed companies. The subordinate data were collected before the interview occasion, this because to develop the interview questions.Conclusion: The authors has come to a conclusion that larger the closed company is, the more of them will keep audit.

Ett bortagande av revisionsplikten Vilka blir vinnare och vilka förlorare?

BackgroundA cost that lately has been discussed related to audit is the higher cost for auditing of small stock company. The question is if this cost is higher than the total utility of statutory audit and should it in that case be statutory. SRF says that the condition for small stock companies development is an abolishment of statutory audit. FAR consider that auditing is important for development and continuation.PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are any winners or losers among auditing firms and accounting firms in Sweden if the statutory audit for small stock companies abolish.MethodThe paper is both a qualitative and a quantitative study that is based on primary data made from an interview and a questionnaire investigation. ConclusionOur conclusion is that the big Winner is the accounting trade.

Variationer i revisionsprocessen - påverkar externrevisorns individuella förutsättningar revisionen?

The purpose of this paper has been to examine the question whether accountants differ in their auditing depending on their individual characteristics. We have summarized our own theory based on previous research and our own ideas. To conduct this purpose we used a deductive method. Our findings from the study show that we cannot exclude the possibility that accountants vary in their auditing depending on their individual characteristics. The answering frequency to our survey was only 47 %, and this may have affected the outcome of our research.

Den arbetssökandes upplysningsplikt : En allmän avtalsrättslig princip påverkad av arbetsrättsligt skyddstänkande

The general contract law principle of loyalty between negotiators, in deliberation, leads to a duty of disclosure for negotiators. The extent of this duty of disclosure is influenced by many different factors; amongst others the type of agreement, the negotiators knowledge and opportunity of procuring knowledge. The general duty of disclosure is both a part of the contract law principle of loyalty between negotiators in negotiating a contract, and an indirectly statutory obligation, that, if neglected will lead to nullification of the agreement. The legislator has stated that the general contract law, Lag (1915:218) om avtal och andra rättshandlingar på förmögenhetsrättens område (avtalslagen), should be used to regulate negotiating of contracts, including the negotiation of contracts of employment. In arbetsdomstolens judging, additional factors have been weighed in, and the judgement is done also through the use of a concept taken from employment law, the concept of ?saklig grund för uppsägning?.

Naturalisering, medialisering & normativ hegemoni

This study deals with the compulsory reading of the public announcements in churches during the eighteens century. The focus is on the diocese of Skara. The ambition to make a comparison between the parish of Skara and the parish of Gårdstånga, earlier investigated by Elisabeth Reuterswärd, failed due to few archives from the parish of Skara. My study takes a broader perspective of the signification of the announcements to the reverends and to the churchgoers. It was an obligation to the reverend to read, collect and save the announcements and the churchgoers were by law obligated to go to church every Sunday.

Rättigheter och skyldigheter i grundlagarna : I ljuset av den politiska filosofin

The purpose of this essay has been to compare different constitutions, and their outlook on citizenship, rights, obligations and natural duty. This has been done in the light of the political philosophy, in order to give the answer to four questions. These questions are: Which rights and obligations can be seen in the constitutions, and how can it be interpreted. Can there be signs of any political philosophy in the constitutions?  Are there any differences between the constitutions regarding citizenship, rights, obligations and natural duty? If so, what are the differences? Can the rights be seen in a further extent than the obligations in the constitutions?I have conducted a qualitative comparision study and analyzed the political philosophers and made a classification scheme of their views.

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